Anna’s Portfolio

Have you always wanted to have a website, but you didn't have programming skills? Then Hotglue is just for you! And it’s completely free for everyone and easy to use!

Create an account at To get to edit mode, just add “edit” at the end of the URL of the page you created. To get back to view mode, delete the word “edit” from your URL.

When you are in edit mode:
- click the screen once and you'll see this menu

- click the screen twice and you'll see another menu

Both menus have many buttons which you can use to create text boxes, upload images and videos, change and manipulate background, add more pages and even apply code to the elements of your page.

To reposition the objects on your page just drag and drop them!

Everything you created is saved on the server straight away!

For more information visit

Early exercise

To practice working in Hotglue I made my first website. The aim was to try all the available tools rather than to make something interesting and profound. I made it more like a joke because “A day without laughter is a day wasted” (Charlie Chaplin). You can see my first attempt at and feel free to click images, who knows what will happen!